FirstLight Power Donates N95 Masks
Responding to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ call for donations of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for front-line responders to the novel coronavirus pandemic, FirstLight Power has donated 100 N95 masks for use by staff at a regional healthcare facility.
Donation of the masks, which are stocked for use by FirstLight employees during certain periodic cleaning and painting operations, will not impact FirstLight’s regular operations or the safety of essential employees who are keeping FirstLight’s hydroelectric, solar, and energy-storage facilities running 24/7 to serve New England electricity customers.
“We’re grateful to the FirstLight employees who identified that we had this supply of N95 protective masks available and that we could respond to the state’s call to support and protect our front-line healthcare workers,” said FirstLight Director of Government Affairs and Communications Leonard Greene.
“Just as businesses across the country are adjusting their operations to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, FirstLight determined we can safely reschedule upcoming maintenance tasks to free up these masks for immediate use by the doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers who need them most urgently,” Greene said.
The Commonwealth has launched a PPE Procurement and Donation Program